Online Counselling

You may be considering having counselling for the first time, or you may have paused your counselling due to the Coronavirus (Covid19) pandemic, whatever your situation, online or telephone counselling may be a way of starting or continuing with counselling. Clients who are new to online therapy at this time have been telling us how easy they have found the process and how beneficial their online sessions have been.
The Milton Therapy Clinic offers online counselling wherever appropriate. We have provided information for you when you are considering online therapy, this can be found below and on our 'Online Therapy' pages.
What is online counselling?
Online counselling is also sometimes known as web-based therapy, virtual counselling, e-therapy, distance counselling, or tele-therapy.
At Milton Therapy Clinic we deliver this via video using such platforms as Zoom and VSee. These platforms are similar to Skype, WhatsApp, or Messenger however they offer an encrypted secure video link ensuring your confidentiality is assured. Online counselling can also be via phone VOIP (Voice Over Internet Provider).
How to begin with online counselling
If you wish to start online counselling, or you wish to continue your counselling online due to the current social distancing measures, then your first step is to contact us or if you have paused your therapy you can contact your counsellor directly. The process from then on is quite simple and your counsellor will be able to set everything up for you.
Melissa has a masters in Relationship therapy, PgDip in Individual Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy and is BACP registered. Click on the red badge below to find out more about Melissa's Online training.